What a dragThis past summer I published a book: DNA Moments; it’s an inspirational memoir that not only shares my story of survival in beating the...
Fate or CoincidenceI think if we were all to be truthful with ourselves, most of us would say that we all have a slight percentage of fatalism in our...
Better togetherOne month away from my 38th birthday, I am reflecting upon life lessons and pearls of wisdom. While I may not have half the wisdom of...
in·flu·encein·flu·ence noun - the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect...
The gift of givingA few months ago I took on the role of team captain for a fundraising event. The event, Spin4Kids, is hosted every year by GoodLife...
Dirty little secretHave I got your attention? Thought I might with that title. Here it is, the dirty little secret: "your world did not stop revolving on...
What is holding you back from becoming a better you?How do you react to feedback? Do you accept it and try your best to learn and grow from it or do you get a little defensive and perhaps...
Breaking out of your shellThe term “stranger danger” , often used when referring to young babies who shy away from strangers stuck with me until my early teens. I...
For the love of lifeHave you ever found yourself sitting in the middle of 2 strangers on a plane holding back the tears to a really sad movie? Holding in...
UnpluggedDo you do it? Do you ever unplug – I mean really unplug? Put the phone away, turn off the TV, and close the computer, turn of the stereo....